Vol V Chapter 100

In the face of the questioning eyes of the aristocrats, as well as that shocking question from that earl, though Marquis Yug's expression was as calm as water, he was cursing and swearing in his heart.

If he had a choice, of course he was unwilling to suggest making peace with the merchant party. But now, did he have any other choice?

Last night, he received a letter from his sister. It was a magic message telling him about some extremely secretive information.

Though his sister was very prudent with her choice of words, it was evident that she did not have much confidence. When he compared her the information to his, Marquis Yug could affirm that her speculation was right.

He was positive that the aristocratic party did not send anyone to attack the trade caravans and civilians of the merchant party. And he also guessed that the attack on the soldiers and lords of the aristocratic party stationed at the border was not a deed by the merchant party.