Vol V Chapter 137

Geerteng Hill was naturally the first place to implement the movement for civilians to choose their surnames. The day after the Republic of Northwest announced this policy, Geerteng Hill also announced the same policy. But as compared to the Republic of Northwest, Geerteng Hill made the announcement in a slightly different way—only those who had resided in Geerteng Hill for at least more than one generation as citizens of this place were entitled to this benefit. Even adventurers who had settled down here as residents did not have this entitlement.

This was because Geerteng Hill did not require more talents. This territory was stable and peaceful at present. It had no intention of further expanding production, nor did it have any wishes of expanding abroad. The group of government officials who revolved around the Church of the God of Knowledge as the core was enough to rule the place. And they were able to rule the place very well.