Vol V Chapter 161

In general, when something is gained, another is lost. While one is celebrating with glee, the other side would probably be depressed and upset. Even if in a situation, both sides benefit, there would still be third parties who were jealous of the positive outcome, maybe even to the extent that they would drink alone to drown their sorrows!

But not this time.

The God of Conspiracy's death was something that filled all sorts of groups and communities in this world with joy.

The joyous celebrations lasted for about a month, and within that month, many places which were at war came to a temporary ceasefire to celebrate. Some even, in the spirit of the celebrations, ended their wars there and then! There was the feeling of warmth in the air and even the Kingdom of Thousands of Springs who, all along threatened to attack the Kingdom of Dwarfs, took this chance to announce the start of peace talks instead.