Vol V Chapter 204

Black smoke rose from the ruins of the houses. The light rain not long ago did not completely put out the flames that engulfed the town. Instead, it reinforced the smoke.

Looking from afar, the entire town was shrouded in an eerie, black fog. The sight would make one shudder all over.

It was evening time at the moment. Usually, this was the time for people to end their day's work and prepare for dinner. But there was not a single resident walking on the streets that should be bustling with activities. Those people who were supposed to be heading home after work were now lying all over the ground, and beneath their bodies, there were pools of blood that were slowly drying up. In their houses, loved ones, regardless of man or woman, old and young, who had been awaiting their return home, had also died by sharp blades of swords. There were even many whose bodies were specially stabbed once or twice more to ensure that they were dead.