The Start of the Battle (Part 1)

To the north of the Main Plane was the Hirose grassland that the Orc Empire had taken over. Originally, this grassland had hills and water, as well as canyons and other natural features. One of the canyons seemed insignificant but was actually extremely deep, deeper than one would imagine. If one walked along the canyon and explored it, one would require an extremely long period of time to reach the base of the canyon. If one made some calculations, they would realize that the height of the canyon's base was deeper than that of certain parts of the sea!

According to logic, this deep base of the canyon should be dark and filled with strange rocks. However, this wasn't so. The base of the canyon was actually a piece of flat grassland, and there was sunlight in the day and stars during the night. If one was unable to see the canyon walls in the distance, one would even think that he or she was standing in an original grassland on normal flatland!