Military Deliberations (Part 1)

On the huge warship floating in the vast void, the Orc gods were having a meeting.

"The war on Earth is not going very well."

"It's not as simple as 'not going very well!' The advantages that the humans have accumulated over the years are much too great. Even if the Orcs have many ideas, they can gain nothing more than temporary advantages. However, if this drags on, their advantages will slowly be used up."

"The food supply is already in danger."

"There's nothing I can do about it. The productivity of the Prairie is limited. And now, we are even understaffed."

"Think of something even if there's nothing you can do about it!"

After the "Sky Devourer Canine," Lefon, died on the battlefield, the "Iron Mask Ferocious Spirit," Snakenell, returned to power as the new Master God of the Orcs. Listening to the gods discuss and argue made him frown and his mind was filled with annoyance.