The All-Out War (Part 3)

No matter how the gods searched, they could not find the gods of the Human God System. It was as though they had melted into the void space. It was as though they had never been there before. Not even a trace of breath was left behind.

Sui Xiong was also very curious to know exactly where they were. But he just looked on by the side and did not help in the search.

With the current situation, the moment the human gods were found, they would probably meet the fate of complete destruction of their entire regiment. As someone taking a neutral stand, he certainly could not get himself involved.

Since he could not join in the search, he had little interest in this silent war of hide-and-seek among the gods. By contrast, it was the burgeoning war in the human world that attracted his attention.

After the Marsh races had assembled a large army, they launched an attack on the Duchy of Thunder.