The Expedition of the Great Divine Powers

All this time, the Abyss had always been forbidden grounds for the gods. Most of the gods did not even dare to steal a peek into the Abyss. They feared that if they saw too much of it, they would be polluted by the chaotic aura of the Abyss.

But today, that aura of the Abyss was surging madly. It was like waves surging towards the Matter Plane of the Ring of the World. But there was one god standing in the front to block it, who was even turning the tables and launching a counterattack at the Abyss.

At the moment, Sui Xiong had become an extremely huge beast. Every tentacle that was spread out was big enough to envelop a relatively small world within. His body was glowing with a resplendent and brilliant light, as though he alone was able to withstand the torrents of chaotic evil coming from the Abyss.

At the moment, it was a scene of chaos inside the Pantheon temple. With more than one god screaming and crying aloud, the place was in a mess.