Over and Above Common Sense, The End of Chaos (Part 2)

"Why am I actually compatible with the power of chaos? It is right to say that we are indeed on the same page from the perspective of "chaos," but at least in terms of "good" and "evil," we should be just like fire and water, completely incompatible! I've clearly burned up just now, haven't I?"

Sui Xiong was grumbling inwardly but on the outside, his hands did not dare show any signs of slacking off. He was still putting in his best to defuse Chaos' attacks, and at the same time, he was repeatedly trying to cut small pieces from its body which he would swallow, analyze, dissolve, and then absorb.

Completely absorbable, without any residue.

"What the heck!"

Sui Xiong felt that a problem had arisen from the common sense that he had accumulated in this world for so many years. Could it be that in this world, order and chaos, as well as good and evil, were not two sets of contrasting attributes?

Why was such a bizarre situation appearing before him?