Evil (Part 3)

Watching as the Master of Mystery resurrected and showed his true form, Sui Xiong couldn't help but laugh coldly.

"This fellow really hid himself!" As he watched the Master of Mystery casually turn back into his old human form, he spoke in a strange tone, "Stop acting! The whole world already saw your form just now!"

The Master of Mystery, who had resurrected with the help of the Master of Order, then somewhat regained his composure and got himself up to date with current matters with Sui Xiong's divine thoughts that were transmitted to him. He couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Ah! I've been in disguise for so many years..." He shook his head in frustration and turned himself back into his original form.

"How do I address you?"

"Just call me the God of Mystery. I was previously the elf god system's God of Spells, Arts and Culture. I've just been using the God of Mystery's form to hide my identity..."