The Exchange (Part 3)

The God of Light did not really notice the suspicious gazes cast upon him by Sui Xiong and instead continued to speak. "Previously, I was always focused upon the humans' idea of glory. It was simply too irresistible that even I fell prey to it for a long, long time. I even played on the idea of glory to discover the path towards great Divine Power and borrowed the glory of the humans to push myself into that level. In hindsight, that was rather rash. If I had been calmer or less indulgent, I definitely would not have done such a thing. Well, that's a thing of the past now. Clearly, I was blinded with greed for glory in the past."

"Yes, that was indeed a dangerous move. Using a race's destiny to cross into a higher level could easily diminish it and cause the race to weaken severely," Sui Xiong said. "Even if they did not weaken, they would still be in debt or be lost; it's hard to say."