I’ll Die If I Don’t Become Handsome!

After an entire night.

"Eh… Why is it light outside?"

Seiji finally returned to his senses after he’d spent all night in a writing frenzy. The bright sunlight which streamed through his window roused him from his unnatural state.

He hurriedly checked the time.

What the hell—he pulled an all-nighter while writing!?

He blankly looked at the thick notebook in front of him. Previously, its pages were largely blank. Now, it had only three or four empty pages remaining.

He had lost himself in the process of writing his story…

While it was a fact that choosing an option like [write a story] would cause an irresistible urge to well up within him, Seiji had also been addicted to the enjoyment he derived from creating his own story, so he simply wasn’t able to stop himself.

‘Might as well stop here.’ He put down his pen and stretched.

Then, he picked up his book and speed-read through his creation that he had spent the entire night on.
