Waking Up

Seiji was confident in his own imagination, but he didn’t feel that it was far stronger than an average person’s or anything like that.

In that case, it had to be his spiritual power that was outstanding.

Was it because his soul had combined with another person's? Was it because of this body’s original specs? Or was it because… of his dating game system?

He didn’t know, nor would he know no matter how much he thought about it, so he might as well forget about it.

At any rate, this was beneficial for him… His talent helped him reach this step.

After the president cast yet another spell on him, his body glowed with a golden-red hue.

It seemed almost as if he were a video game character whose fury value had risen to the maximum…

"Unlike dealing with a defense spell, you can’t simply destroy the amnesia spell. Otherwise you may damage the memories that are being sealed," Natsuya informed him.

"What should I do then?"