A Toast, for This World... and You

"What do you think?" Chiaki smiled. "How’s the taste?"

"It’s delicious," Seiji answered honestly.

"Is this your first time tasting alcohol?"

"I suppose so," Seiji said after a pause.

He had drunk occasionally in his past world, but he had no memories of ever drinking alcohol before in this world.

"You suppose?" Chiaki asked, a brow raised. "What does that mean?"

"I’m not sure if I've drunk alcohol before when I was a child. I feel like I might have, but I also might not have."

"Oh..." Chiaki nodded and poured some more wine for them.

The beautiful girl poured the wine so that it ran down in a slow stream into the tall, clear wine glass. It was a rather beautiful scene to look upon.

What was that phrase again? Did it go something like "The alcohol won’t make you drunk, but people will get drunk on people?"