Perform Fireworks Ceremonies for the Crowning of the New King!

"So can I join in?"

"Yes, I think it's okay, but I still need to discuss it with the others first... by the way, are you really sure about joining? You're going to have to work properly if you join in."

"It's not a problem. I promise to work hard!" Chiaki slapped her chest.

"Alright, I've received your application, so please await your notification." Seiji smiled.

"I... I want to join in as well!" Mika spoke up.

Both of them looked towards the double pigtailed girl.

"Although I don't know what I can do... I want to join in as well," Mika said weakly.

Chiaki chuckled. "Then be a voice actress just like me! It's quite easy." 

'No, it wouldn't be easy at all...' Seiji thought.

"Of course it would be easy for someone like you who's skilled at acting, but for Mika..."

"I'll work my hardest!"