She Knows When to Continue and When to Stop

Mayuzumi slowly began recounting the tale.

The content of her story was basically the same as what Seiji had heard from Saki, but since it was from her perspective, there were some additional details.

Although she was afraid during the literature club's test of courage and storytelling game, she actually had a lot of fun being together with her good friend.

She just didn't expect such a thing to come out.

When Mayuzumi started speaking about how some entity seemed to have been summoned, she shivered intensely, and Saki, who was sitting next to her, clutched her hand tightly.

Seiji and Natsuya attentively listened to her tale.

Finally, she finished, and she laid weakly against the editor after doing so.

"Good job, Amami-san," Natusya praised sincerely. "Thanks for your efforts."

"Sensei," Seiji said admiringly, "it was very brave of you to face your fears."

The manga author smiled faintly.