So Comfortable~ I’m Going to Sleep

Was that supposed to be a leveled-up version of "Winners in life should go explode?"

Just like the last time, Seiji didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He wanted to say something, but Hana abruptly cut off the stream.

'Well, we can take things slowly,' he thought as he went back to his study. He then stopped the stream and started cleaning up the equipment.

Later that afternoon, Seiji arrived at the president's residence. Natsuya was waiting for him. She even put on the shrine maiden outfit beforehand.

The two of them went to the room at the end of the second floor.

Seiji acted according to the instructions he received last time. He stood in the center of the Yin-Yang diagram inscribed on the floor, closed his eyes, relaxed his body, and calmed his mind…

After Seiji said his name and agreed to be bound by the contract just like the previous time, Natsuya began muttering her incantation. Seiji's head was gradually filled with strange voices.