Ethereal Snow

"This is the best 'Demon Sword' cosplay I've ever seen!"

"The swords actually sparked when they clashed against each other. Could they have been using real swords?"

"Judging by the swords' quality, the sounds of the swords clashing, and the sparks as well as other details, they're probably real iron swords. Amazing!"

"Incredible performance! Just how long did they practice for it?"

"10 points for the clothing, 10 points for the makeup, 10 points for the props, and 100 points for the performance!"

"I strongly recommend the makers to come find these two cosplayers if they decide to make a movie out of 'Demon Sword!'"

"It's a minus that a guy is cosplaying as Renha!"

"It's a plus that a guy is cosplaying as Renha!"

"Renha's a female disguised as a male in the original story, so there's no problems with a guy cosplaying as her. Of course, the prerequisite is to have a sufficiently excellent appearance first!"