Everything was caused by the Midnight Spell!

Tengu was a rather famous demon.

Legends had it that this type of demon had internal rank differences amongst its ranks. The highest level would be called Great Tengu, next was Tengu, and the lowest was Crow Tengu and other similar Lesser Tengus.

And, amongst the highest-level Great Tengus, there was one particular heavenly emperor who held a grudge and transformed into an Emperor Tengu, and became one of the three strongest and evilest demons, ranked as an equal with Shutendoji and Tamamo-no-Mae!

In his previous world, Seiji had never been able to draw a Great Tengu SSR card in his cell phone game…

What people typically thought of Tengus was that they had red faces, large noses, were tall in appearance, wore monk attire and wooden clogs, held fans and hammers in their hands, and would be winged. In summary, they were a type of male bird humanoid.