“Pest elimination”

Seiji hugged little Shinobu while casting a spell with Yomi's assistance.

As he uttered the incantation, the space around them gradually darkened as red light glowed on the little girl's body with blood-red runes.

Shinobu's consciousness gradually faded. However, she didn't feel like resisting as she always had before because he'd said that she would be fine.

And just as she believed, a warm feeling was transmitted to her body from him again, which maintained her sense of self.

This was his—Seiji Haruta's—Mana.

Shinobu really liked this… even though she didn't have a clear understanding of the concept of "like" yet.

She simply felt that this was wonderful, and that meeting him was a wonderful thing.

He gave her something very nice, and she wanted to give him something equally nice. However, she didn't know what she could give him.

She decided to think hard about this later.