This is my first time meeting such a handsome pervert

'So noisy…

'So noisy die I don't want to die stop being so noisy go die so noisy shut up die don't die so noisy so noisy go die…'

There was a huge commotion going on in Shoutarou Rinura's head right now. He was no longer able to differentiate between which noises came from his own heart and which noises were just illusionary fantasies.

Everything he saw before him kept flickering back and forth between reality and his dreams. Disgust, complaints, anger, and hatred, all these emotions that he possessed in both reality and his dream mixed together and formed something pitch-black and chaotic.

He faintly heard some rather strange words in his daze… was these words he heard in his dream? Or a foreign language?

No, they weren't, it sounded more like…

A curse…

The black mist around Shoutarou Rinura suddenly exploded!

By the time that Seiji noticed what was going on, he was already engulfed in darkness.