How much are your feelings worth?

Let's rewind time a little.

While Natsuya was still frenziedly rolling around on her bed, she heard another knock on her door.

"Yoruhana-san, could I talk to you for a moment?" A calm voice sounded outside her door.

It was Shika Kagura!

Natsuya was astonished.

Her astonishment helped to quickly cool down her body and recover her ability to think.

Shika could only possibly want to discuss something related to Seiji.

Natsuya never expected this girl to come talk of her own volition… did Chiaki Wakaba do something?

That was the first thought to pop into her mind as Natsuya sat up again.

"Please wait for a moment."

Natsuya speedily made her bed and fixed her appearance in front of a mirror before taking a deep breath.

After she finished preparing herself, she opened her room's door to see the black-haired beautiful girl standing there quietly.