Taste the wrath of humanity, Magic-Devouring Dragon!!

The next week, Monday.

Rumors that Seigo Harano and Natsuya Yoruhana had a date on Saturday started spreading all throughout school.

Some students directly asked Seigo and he admitted to this being true. This caused yet another commotion!

The Magic-Devouring Dragon and the student council president had now been confirmed as a couple… Everyone could only sigh as they wondered at how this came to be.

Of course, there were also other feelings such as jealousy, but…

There would be more room for discussion if it wasn't for the fact that Seigo and Natsuya made such an excellent couple. It just so happened that both had excellent appearances, grades, abilities, and personalities that were difficult to find fault with… So the students could only give their blessings to such a perfect couple.

Lunch break.

Rion and Kotomi joined Seiji and his friends for lunch.