Daddy, someone's kissing!

The next moment, the whale shark broke out of the fish tank and attacked the crowd of people! Just kidding, such a thing didn't happen at all.

Whale sharks were actually a type of filter feeder that primarily fed on plankton, shrimp, small squids, and other such aquatic animals. Whale sharks weren't like great white sharks at all, so whale sharks wouldn't attack people even if one broke out of the fish tank… Er, something seemed wrong about this though?

Seiji noticed that his thoughts were getting rather sidetracked. He could only comment on himself being a daydreamer.

At this moment, someone took his hand.

Seiji turned around to see Mika standing right next to him. Her eyes were watery and she had a seductive expression on her face.

"At that time… thank you for coming to save me," she told him gently.