I'd be interested in a beautiful girl

Seiji started walking home after he left the café and took Karen back to her home.

'Perhaps I shouldn't have told her that idea,' Seiji thought to himself.

Having Karen become Kaho's enemy and intentionally angering the latter so that they would fight each other… This was unmistakably a terrible idea!

If Karen managed to suppress Kaho, perhaps Kaho would be successfully forced into abandoning the demon energy. However, there were too many unpredictable elements with this plan. And even if it succeeded, it might completely ruin the sisters' relationship, which seemed so pitiful to Seiji.

Karen had fallen silent after hearing this idea. It seemed really difficult for her to accept.

This was far too difficult of a choice. Even now, Seiji felt that maybe he shouldn't have said it out loud.

But if he didn't say it, Karen wouldn't even have a single choice…

Seiji suddenly stopped in his footsteps.