This is indeed a performance!

Was Chiaki showing off a spiritual ability truly just a coincidence?

Seiji felt that would be too much of a hasty conclusion right now. Instead of treating this dancing ability as an Awakened ability, it might actually be closer to a type of spell. In that case, failing to cast it wouldn't be strange, since Chiaki had just learned it.

Seiji told this to Chiaki.

Then, Chiaki tried dancing for a third time, but still failed to activate anything.

She still wanted to continue trying, but Seiji told her it was time to sleep as it was the middle of the night. He suggested to try again next time after a good night's rest.

"It's not actually that rare to learn something new during Visualization," Natsuya told Seiji the next morning after she heard about Chiaki's situation.

Last night, Seiji and Chiaki had stayed over in guest rooms at Natsuya's mansion after exiting the Spirit House. They had been too tired to go home to the Uehara apartments.