Truly beautiful evil without comparison

'Good person, the hell!'

Seiji almost retorted out loud.

"If you want me to do something for you, just that information alone won't suffice," Seiji finally spoke up. "I want to know what exactly happened. Why did things outside become like that?"

"You're not helping me here, you're helping your sister—"

"I'm not arrogant enough to think that Yui needs my help!" Seiji stated decisively. "Perhaps she really is in a bad situation in the Realm of Cherry Blossoms like you say, but I highly doubt that she won't be able to handle things or that she can't even escape! Stop pretending to be an idiot!"

That was Qilin Girl Yui Haruta, his older sister who was who knew how many times stronger than he was! There was no way she would easily be endangered. And even if she was in the middle of a crisis, she would surely be able to pull through.