Silly child

Kungo was in tremendous pain.

He felt as if his body was being dissolved by the hottest magma which slowly drew away parts of himself. His consciousness became hazy, feeling like a candle fire being buffeted by the wind. He felt as if his light would go out at any moment.

He wanted to shout or scream out loudly, but was unable to make a sound.

The darkness of death surrounded him. The extreme heat brought along the deepest coldness.

'No… I can't die…

'I need to live… I must live…'

Kungo used his strong will to support his own existence. He tolerated, withstood, and prayed…

'Master… Please wake up… Wake up…'

Kungo had no idea how much time passed. He no longer possessed a concrete sensation of the passage of time.

The loyal samurai used everything he had to resist. However, death still irresistibly approached him.