Rhythmic Crushing!

The arena was as grand as an ancient Roman amphitheater, and it would ignite the fighting spirit within every warrior.

Without doubt, this was the place where the warriors would want to fully display their skills.

Wild King's Light Cavalry No. 1 arrived on the scene. Aslan Empire's designs had always been meticulously beautiful and mighty, and this model was no exception… even the face of the mech was astoundingly handsome and could only be possibly made with a strict proportion of pure gold.

Of course, none of that mattered as much as the warrior's abilities.

On the other side of the arena, Skeleton's Wargod No. 1 also landed.

Wang Zheng moved his body with light movements. Aina was by his side, so needless to say, his emotions at that moment could not be expressed with words. She made her way casually to his side. However, Wang Zheng knew that she would not feel comfortable.