His Name Shakes the Milky Way!

The biggest gambling chip was Xiao Fei. However, it was unlikely that she would be worth much in the grand scheme of things.

Jamal and Adonis were very interested in poaching Xiao Fei; they were willing to offer the highest compensation in order to get her to join them. It was just a pity that Xiao Fei was completely uninterested, leaving the two of them to feel extremely helpless.

"Gu Te, your style of thinking is too old fashioned. The situation now is extremely fierce and things are changing. To be bound by existing conventions will not suffice. Are you hoping that geniuses will simply magically appear? A case like Xiao Fei is as good as it gets. What else can you do?"

Jamal gulped down a mouthful of tea before admonishing, "Actually, aren't you also changing the system? You poached students from the Moon and from Mars. However, you were too late and too slow."