Professional players?

"Wang…. Zheng, I remember you. Seems like you made it into Ares College."

Zhao Lingfeng exclaimed.

"Just a stroke of luck." Wang Zheng was too embarrassed to say anything more. No one knew his family background, and Zhao Lingfeng was considerate enough not to expose his family matters in front of his classmates.

"Lingfeng, who are these people?" A slender, tall girl with a pony tail donning sports attire walked toward them. It wasn't exaggeration when they said Beijing University was a lover's paradise. Student Wang glanced at her a few more times.

Perhaps it was the workout that made her face turn a reddish glow which exuded a feeling of fitness.

"Qingqing, let me introduce you to Ye Zisu, belle of Dawn Middle School, now part of Ares College's Mecha Department. And Wang Zheng is also Ares College's….. Wang Zheng what's is your specialization right now?"

Halfway through his speech, Zhao Lingfeng realised he didn't really know Wang Zheng.