The Ultimate Defense

The Brightmoon 8.0 struck hard as it made high level arched movements, each blow landing precisely at the end of the movement of each Arched Slide Step. If the previous face off was not considered stressful, this high frequency attack would definitely elicit a response.

Attacking was always easier than defending.

In between the consecutive stabs, the Brightmoon 8.0 was kept busy. The Arched Side Steps followed one after another, and the blows had to be delivered in between each of the arched steps. Missing even one would mean trouble because it would be breaking up the flow of attacks.

Even though the Brightmoon 8.0 was a lightweight mech, the stabs could easily pierce through the opponent, especially a mech like the Wargod No. 1, which had such thin and brittle defenses.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!