
Rainbow: Tempest Condor (Aslan), Luoluo Tracking System, Beam Saber

Wild King: Light Cavalry Type D (Aslan), MP5 Laser Rifle, Beam Saber

Skeleton: Wargod No. 1 (Default)

Prince: War Emperor Type V (Mars), War Emperor's Electric Halberd

Lucky: Ice Falcon 9th Gen (Earth), Zero Degree Laser Rifle

Hammer: Gold Guardian (Moon), Hammer Auxiliary System

This was the Star Emperor Corp's full lineup.

Although the competition would start soon, the commentators had already started talking.

"Ah, Comrade Old Deer, your clothes today look… celebratory. Did you win the lottery? Did you get a girlfriend?" Bubbly Foam mocked.

Today's Deer dressed extremely festively. "Hehe, today is the last day I will be commentating on Skeleton's battles. Of course I have to dress for the occasion."

"Oh, Comrade Old Deer, why are you so sure about this?" Bubbly Foam smiled.