Become a Demon or Die!

Underneath the tree, a sickle-wielding Zerg had crept closer. Very slowly, Meng Tian drew an arrow… Zoom!

A ray of silver light cut across the night sky and instantly disappeared into the Sickle Zerg's body. The Zerg fell to the ground without even the slightest chance to scream in pain. Its claws spasmed and it died.

Lie Xin looked over. "Hehe! That weapon has the ability to make nerves turn numb? Interesting. Seems like she's not merely Meng Ao's daughter."

Achilles smiled. "Not numb. Meng Tian has a rare Ability X that can mature and grow. Even I want to win her over."

That was enough said. Achilles didn't say it all, but Lie Xin had turned pouty. She could not stand how Earth women were always wishy-washy, neither could she appreciate it.

Masasi and his company's performances were rather steady. They did not panic a bit, and they knew the Zergs' weaknesses well. It was evident that they had a lot of practice.