Roland Garros

"Did you not see that battle standard with the mermaid on it? That's the Star Ocean's Emperor's symbol. It was one of Atlantis' diplomatic ships. As one of the 10 permanent members on the Milky Way Alliance, they possess significant influence," Zhao Jing said.

Yan Xiaosu rubbed his nose. "Are we not also a diplomatic ship? Why aren't people receiving us?"

Zhao Jing smiled and shook her head. "We are an ambassador ship that belongs to Earth. We do not possess such a high stature. In the entire Alliance, there are no more than 30 ships that possess such influence… Furthermore, the Solar System is no longer in its heydays."

Regardless of whatever era one was in, strength makes right. It was unknown how many numerous Alliance members had requested for Earth's special status to be revoked.