The Destined One's Arrival!

All three pairs of eyes were on Zhang Shan. Zhang Shan himself was also bemused.

"At Academy X, we heard that such abilities existed. We thought it was just a legend, but to think that it actually occurred. Congratulations, Zhang Shan! Your Ability X has awakened, and it seems to be a pretty high grade one as well!" Meng Tian exclaimed.

Zhang Runan patted Zhang Shan's elbow. "Well done, Mountain Maiden. The next phase of IG depends on you now."

Zhang Shan laughed exultantly at the uncommon praise, the cold sweat on his brow now forgotten.

"I always knew I was a genius. Wait till Wang Zheng gets back. He'll probably drop dead with envy."

Meng Tian and Zhang Runan smiled knowingly. Sufficient genetic potential could trigger under special circumstances, but it would have to be a time of real danger. It was useless to try to simulate such a situation, and Zhang Shan had indeed been at the brink of death.