Old Deer has been Tricked!

"What… is this team composition? Has there been a mistake???"

Old Deer was also taken aback, but he had a sudden response. "This is definitely a form of psychological warfare. This child, Skeleton, is really cunning. He did this on purpose. This is so that the opponent would ban the more popular models of support-type mecha and reveal to him the models of mecha which they are experts in!"

A support was just another position in a team. In a battle, whether it was the support player or the attacker player, the one who ultimately called the shots was the team leader himself and not the person in a specific position.

However, the situation looked quite uncertain. Prince was chosen, and it seemed to be a deceptive move.

"Zha Rang, ignore him, this must be a smoke bomb to cause confusion!" IQ Suppression spoke.