Street Sign Zheng

This was an issue of experience. Similar to the performance data of a mech, information could be further separated to theoretical data and practical data.

Raston smiled, got up, and entered the field immediately without even changing his clothes.

Who was this?

The host was puzzled. At this moment, his boss was explaining the situation to him through his Skylink and his eyes flashed. "Haha, here comes an impromptu challenger that everyone has been waiting for!"

Boooo ---- the audience greeted the announcement with hisses.

What kind of impromptu challenger was he? This man looked ordinary. Wouldn't this be a waste of their time?

Fei Zi squinted at Raston. The underlying message behind the term "impromptu challenger" was that as long as he did not kill the challenger, it would be fine, even if it resulted in the challenger becoming handicapped. "You have three seconds to admit your defeat."