Invincible Wind God!

"Boss, VIP pre-orders are at 28 million, with VVIP making up more than 19 million." The staff constantly provided latest updates while Solon stood motionless.

In actual fact, he'd broken into cold sweat, his back dripping wet with perspiration. Skeleton loved playing such extreme games, but Solon was getting old, and this was a tad too much for him to handle.

This situation was well within his expectations. This battle would definitely attract countless gamers from the Solar System.

And even close to a million from outside the Solar System.

"Just what mech will Skeleton be using this time?"

"Jungle Scamper probably!"

"I think the Overlord would be pretty good too. Escape using the Rocket Cannon at the right time!"

"Tsk. Escape where? There'd be people all over the place."

"The map must be humongous for there to be space to move about."