A Big Victory

Damn, who would have thought that the first military grade mech designed by OMG would be so strong!

"Ahem, I have to praise the Wind God mech. This is OMG's first military grade mech test model and it has already exhibited unparalleled prospects and technology. I must say, a strong dragon cannot overpower the local snake, a fierce dragon cannot cross the river. Let us cheer for the Wind God mech and sing praises for its designer!"

Old Deer, who had returned to his old professional self, continued to shout Skeleton? Who was Skeleton? He did not know who that person was.

Old Deer was persistent on his principals, but it had no effect on others.

On major television stations and forums, analysis videos appeared one after another. Only by replaying the battle in slow motion could they experience that type of shock.

You could say that Wind God not only had powerful control, but was also a mech that had to be used intelligently.