New Place, New Rules

After a full day of torture, Zhang Shan had lost hope in finding people in the desert. When he finally reached his destination, he saw soldiers taking the identification documents of seven people at the gate. "Welcome to Gil Base. Everyone, this way please."

"Please only move within the allowed area. You may also leave the base, but please note that 2200 is the night curfew of the camp. This is the dormitory for Ares College. Let us meet at the main hall at 1600. The Europa quarters are on the other side. This way please."

A soldier, the escort for Wang Zheng and company, allocated them to their living quarters after a quick introduction of the rules of the base and then promptly departed.

The standard arrangement for the dorm was similar to that of an elite team – there were six single bedrooms as well as a living room and a bathroom.

Zhang Shan cheered, "Bath time!"

After a dusty journey, a shower was more enjoyable than ever.