To Share Weal and Woe

No a single shot was fired. Vrooom, in a straight line, he deviated from the designated direction and flew quickly towards the opposite direction.

Instantly, everyone was dumbfounded. What happened a while ago...

Lost control?

Wang Zheng had actually lost control! Wasn't this too outrageous?

After a long time, the mech finally stopped at a faraway location. After which, it flew slowly back and Wang Zheng said, "I'm sorry. I lost control..."

Wang Zheng's voice came from the communication device.

Everyone was in a daze. Wang Zheng, who always performed well, suddenly scored a zero. No one could believe it. Zhang Shan rubbed his eyes and said, "It's just a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. Moreover, this was just your first time."

"Mountain Maiden, stop your nonsense. It's your turn."