Room Service

No wonder he kept feeling like something was off. They'd been tormenting him. It'd be odd if he felt normal.

But the weird thing about it was that Wang Zheng did not sense any malicious intent from the charcoal black robot. He wasn't sure if being the onlooker allowed him to see things clearly, but he felt as if the two robots had a similar air around them.

... did robots have an aura around them?

Regardless, he was still on somewhat good terms with Bonehead and thus he wanted to stop them from fighting.

The instant Wang Zheng touched Bonehead in an attempt to separate the two, it was as though he'd been electrocuted. The charcoal black robot flashed and the two machines disappeared together, locked in an embrace.

And the Rubik's Cube mark on Wang Zheng's chest turned dim... 

What was going on?