Understanding Space

Most importantly, he had always had a good sense of space. Once he became accustomed to things, it was as if he was enlightened and understood things quickly.

On the other side, Achilles patted Atos on the back without a word, but his meaning was clear: since they were fighting, he must not lose.

Atos was austere. He grinned widely. He wanted to make a good name for himself too. He was Atos. The quick Atos. The absolute winner, Atos.

They were free to choose any mech in the space duel. Zhang Shan did not hesitate at choosing the Barton mech. It was a mech made by Earth for space forces and was well balanced in powers... nothing special.

It wasn't that there were no better mecha available, but Zhang Shan knew his own skill level well. A better mech would only be powerful if he could maneuver it well. The Barton mech may appear weak, but it was the one option that could display Zhang Shan's current capabilities to its best.