Boundless Seas and Skies

"Angela, wait outside. Don't let anyone else disturb us."

"You Highness... I should...."

"Hurry up!" Lin Huiyin had no time to chitchat. "There's a song that needs a male voice. You sing it for us."

Wang Zheng's face turned dark upon hearing that. "Ahem. I can't sing!"


"The moment I sing, you'll all have to be admitted to the hospital." Wang Zheng shrugged helplessly, looking at Angela. He really wish Angela would take him away right this instant.

But for some reason, Angela felt really good seeing Wang Zheng that way.

"Your Highness, please take your time. I will stand guard outside," Angela said, smiling.

Even his last hope had left him! Wang Zheng was full of regrets. He had delivered himself to the chopping block!

"I have to make a disclaimer. I really can't sing. If you don't believe me, ask Zisu."

Ye Zisu smiled, not saying a word.