The Princess Calls

Si Jiali sighed in relief in sight of the two. "As the vice-president, the matter is settled, and thankfully it did not escalate."

"Mirtias ... blacked out? Who did this? It could not have been Indigo, right?" Clement was shocked by Mirtias' state. Nicknamed the Red Demon Wolf, Mirtias was a very strong Ability X user.

Although Mirtias may not look like much, his key talent was endurance. You could hurt him, but to knock him out completely took a lot of effort. Looking around, he could not see traces of an actual battle.

Even for Clement himself, it would take a lot of energy just to put Mirtias in a daze, no need to mention completely knocking him out. Just thinking about it, he could not imagine this possibility. In addition, he knew Indigo. Although he was an elite in the Mech Department, he was not capable of doing something like this.

When Si Jiali heard Clement's question, her eyebrows furrowed deeper. "You will not believe this..."