Zerg Nest

Wang Zheng smiled. "Masasi said it correctly. Let's do this. Raston and I will walk in front, while Zhang Shan and Zhang Runan protect the flanks. Meng Tian, you're the only one capable of scouting. Other than reconnaissance, pay attention to the environment. In particular, be careful of the traces of acid emitted by the Zerg. Once you encounter it, we have to take a detour. Luo Fei, Lie Guang, and Taros, you three stay at the back and pay attention to the surroundings. Do not be careless just because we have already walked past. If we encounter any Zerg and are unable to escape, I will first go to block them, and will Raston support me. Zhang Shan, you and Zhang Runan protect the flanks, but do not engage. Your responsibility is to stabilize the formation. Masasi, Lear, and Lie Xin, you are responsible for the offense. Achilles will be in reserve, responsible for any emergency situations.