Non-mainstream Fatty

 Slash, slash, slash , slash…

 It was a completely different fighting sword style that had never been seen before in the Milky Way Alliance The frenzied blade brought a wave of heat, attacking furiously. Each stroke seemed to gather up the surrounding air into it. She pressed forward relentlessly, catching him mentally unprepared.

 Lie's Raging Wildfire 18 Cleaves!

 One stroke bore down after another. Lie Xin's level had suddenly risen two ranks, and she was capitalizing on the only opening that her opponent thought would bring him the advantage, that in the instant the energy shield broke, the opponent would have just executed a furious attack and would need a breather. In the same moment, her shield breaking would free up the agility of her mech – it was the perfect opportunity for a counterattack.

 Lie Xin was a woman, so she was far more calm than men!

 Priest Tang's underestimation showed in his moves, and she had used that against him instead!