Crucial Battle Against Manaluoso

 Everybody was looking at this familiar yet strange Zhang Runan… this was Zhang Runan?

 No matter how picky you were, the Zhang Runan approaching could not be called ugly by rights. Her face bore a majesty that only female soldiers had, and her eyes were filled with an unswerving determination that attracted a second glance.


 People began to break out into murmurs. Those that were more knowledgeable reacted immediately. This was a reverse strength type Ability X, a rare type. Was this Zhang Runan's real face?

 Ye Zisu and the rest were stunned. She was pretty close with Zhang Runan, but this was her first time seeing such a face of Zhang Runan. This was no tyrannosaurus, this was a goddess!

 A war goddess!

 Zhang Runan ignored their reactions, showing a look of disgust on her face. She must have been troubled by her appearance all the while.