Unbounded Strength!

 As Manalasuo's ace candidate, Raslei had tried out many different mecha, but he had not tried this one before. All he knew was that it was a failed scout product. The designer's brain had been faulty. It would be completely thrashed by beast-type mecha.

 Raslei hated this Lear punk. His features alone made him want to beat him up. He had a superior expression that only made that feeling stronger.

 Raslei had chosen Manalasuo's beast-type scout mech – Vampiric Werewolf.

 Possessing excellent movement and turning capabilities, and scary titanium blades with strong close combat abilities. This was definitely a killer from the shadows, a sniper's nightmare.

 Because of Achilles' unexpected performance in the first round, the audience was filled with curiosity for this round. It was said that Lear was the biggest braggart in the Solar System, and the most stuck up. But his mech choice was amateur.